All reviews received from our students are published here. In these reviews, we have removed the names of teachers so our website users do not think that only certain teachers at PEN are good enough to receive positive reviews.

All of our teachers follow the same high quality teaching guidelines for our students’ best results although their teaching methods might differ at times.

We also publish all negative reviews (if any), and take your comments very seriously to continue improving our quality of education.

“When I came to Canada, I could barely write a correct sentence in English, and {my teacher at PEN} helped me to improve my English. To be honest, he is so knowledgeable and speaks like a native although he started learning English as an adult. Moreover, the thing that makes his method special is that he has a great sense of understanding at what level you are, and goes through the lessons step by step. I highly recommend his method if you are lost in English, and do not know where to start”.

Kian Sadi

I took academic reading & writing course with Pen Languages for my York University English Proficiency Test (YELT). At first, I was almost a beginner learner, and could not even write a paragraph. In four months, I could easily write complex essays and read academic articles. I managed to pass my test, and now I feel much more comfortable with English in academic environments. I highly recommend Pen Languages methods, and courses.

Elnaz Sedaghat

Dear {my teacher at PEN},

I want to thank you for all you have done, which I will never forget. I truly appreciate you and your time you spent helping me in many occasions. Thank you very much for the course. I enjoyed every minute of your class as well as your marvelous sense of humor.

Samaneh E.

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”
– Mark Van Doren

Mr. {my teacher at PEN} has the art of teaching! He is the most knowledgeable, experienced, creative and passionate teacher I have ever met! He teaches with love, effort, and energy, drawing in every student. With his help, I was able to fulfill my passion for pursuing higher education. I obtained the academic IELTS exam score that I needed for the university! Thank you! Much appreciate your passion and dedication to teaching!

Shadi Sadeghpour

{My teacher at PEN} is an excellent professional teacher in all respects; he is encouraging but appropriately challenging. He is extremely well prepared, reliable and knowledgeable, his standard of English is superb and his sense of fun and humor has made the learning process fun.
He demonstrates a thorough understanding of my learning needs, and is able to adapt easily to whether I need encouragement with conversational English, or help with more formal grammar teaching.
I have found him to be a teacher of the highest standards and could not have wished more from a teacher. Quite simply, I could not recommend him highly enough.

Niloofar Gr

I took general ENG and IELTS courses.
I had a lot of English teachers but without compliment he was best English teacher I have ever had.

Hesam Mosavi

{My teacher at PEN} is the best teacher that I’ve ever had for learning English language. Without his knowledge and experience, it would have been impossible for me to get the score that I needed. Studying in his private classes, highly promoted my English language proficiency.

Farahnaz Orang

I took IELTS course with Mr. {my teacher at PEN} for my English proficiency test and he is the best English teacher that I’ve ever had, he’s such a knowledgeable professional teacher and without his guidance and passion in teaching I wouldn’t be able to get the results that I needed. I had a wonderful learning experience at his classes and I really liked the techniques and methods.

Shaghayegh Amerian

Without a doubt, my English teacher is exceptional. He has taught me the correct method of studying with complete details. Personally and behaviorally, he is truly admirable. I highly recommend that if you are looking to learn a language, you should only turn to this teacher.

Fahimeh Mirtaheri

Peyman is an incredible teacher and person who helped me achieve fluency in English and get my IELTS in less than six months. His clients feel more like friends to him, and he skillfully balances his teaching methods with the learning styles of his clients to achieve the best results. He always says that he’s there to guide us because the journey of learning a new language must be undertaken by the learner themselves, and he was the best guide I could have hoped for. I am personally eternally grateful to him.

Majid Eghbal